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Buy Liriope Muscari

Liriope muscari, also known as lilyturf, is among some of the best evergreen ground covering plants available today. Liriope care demands extraordinarily little, and the plant grows well in Georgia’s warm climate. From big blue liriope to liriope silver dragon, there are many types of liriope to choose to build a beautiful landscape.

Variegated liriope is a perennial that acts as a perfect substitute for grass, boasting lovely bright yellow stripes along its blades’ margins. In the summertime, the liriope flower blooms in brilliant shades of purple. Whether you are planning a liriope border or liriope ground cover, there are some things you should know when it comes to physical liriope care.

Growing Liriope

More often than now, the liriope plant is grown from vegetative cuttings. However, the same is possible using liriope seeds eight weeks before the final frost date. Before planting, you want to consider how close to plant liriope and what to plant WITH liriope, if anything. Keep in mind; many liriope varieties make great companion plants! As you can see, liriope muscari variegate is a versatile, easy to love plant.

The herbaceous, flowering plant known as liriope spicata can be grown with 12 inches of space between one another. Liriope muscari, also a low-maintenance plant, grow happily with one foot of personal space. The key to success for all liriope varieties is well-drained soil. The variegated liriope plant is versatile and straightforward in nature.

Variegated Liriope Grass

First, you should know when to cut back liriope. If you plan on using liriope variegate as a grass substitute, you want to trim it in late winter or early spring before the growth of new shoots. A quick mow does the trick. Pruning liriope down to three inches every spring helps to promote a healthy, long-lasting plant. Spreading liriope is an excellent addition to any landscape, especially when in bloom.

With the proper variegated liriope care, you will soon be asking when does liriope bloom? No matter if you are dealing with liriope super blue, liriope royal purple, green liriope, or blue liriope, the answer is the same. Liriope blooms anytime from August to September. With the right liriope companion plants, you can have quite an impressive yard. Now that we have covered some of the basics concerning liriope spacing and trim liriope, let’s tackle some common issues.

Transplanting Liriope

The best time to transplant liriope varieties from emerald green liriope to liriope muscari big blue is the same as most perennials. When liriope is dormant, that is the time to make a move.

Killing Weeds in Liriope

Image Kills Nutsedge is an easy-to-use product that is safe for use around liriope.

Do Deer Eat Variegated Liriope?

In short, no. Deer tend to avoid all varieties of liriope ground cover. So the next time someone asks, do deer eat liriope, you can confidently answer no.

Does Variegated Liriope Spread?

Liriope muscari variegata quickly spreads to form a deep carpet-like grass that helps beautify any garden.

Liriope Not Growing

If you find your liriope is not growing, it is crucial to remember that liriope does not tolerate soggy soils. Make sure your soil is well-drained above all else.

Liriope for Sale

If you decide you want to plant liriope plants, Contact Us Today!