Cypress Trees


A cypress tree is a beautiful addition to just about any home’s landscaping. If you’ve visited a nursery or looked online, you’ve probably found that there are many different types of cypress trees for sale, including:

  • Bald cypress tree
  • Italian cypress tree
  • Leyland cypress tree
  • Swamp cypress tree
  • Arizona cypress tree
  • Blue cypress tree

Different cypress trees don’t share all of the same attributes, but they have one thing in common: they are havens for wildlife. Birds are big fans of cypress trees’ sturdy branches and needles that make for excellent nest-building material.

The cypress tree produces some of the world’s most prized wood. It’s lightweight and durable, which makes it an ideal building material. Adding to cypress tree wood’s popularity is the fact that it doesn’t generate sap, and as a result it doesn’t bleed. This unique characteristic also means that the tree’s wood takes well to stains, paints, and sealers. In addition, the cypress’s attractive light to dark honey color is a quality that carpenters and artists find very highly appealing.

Bald Cypress

The Bald Cypress is known for its height and protruding roots. It’s a deciduous tree which grows best in swampy areas with very moist soil. They’re commonly found in coastal regions and they can live for centuries. Bald Cypress Loose their leaves in winter, but have a nice green foliage during growing months. These are common buffer trees.

Leyland Cypress

The Leyland Cypress is a fast-growing tree and can reach heights of up to 50 feet. The flat-branched evergreen features soft pine needles and tolerates many soil conditions. Our Georgia Tree Farms have many size leyland cypress trees available. Larger sizes and pricing information available upon request. One of the Fastest Growing Privacy Trees.

Arizona Cypress

This is another common name for Carolina Sapphire. The Arizona Cypress is a sturdy tree that thrives in hot and dry conditions. Located primarily in the southwestern part of the United States, these beautiful tree are often used as windbreakers because of their dense foliage.

Italian Cypress

The Italian Cypress is a massive evergreen and is tall and narrow in appearance, much like a column. It’s a hardy tree that does best in warm climates.

Buy Cypress Trees

The renowned Cypress trees are loved all over. Often most famously found along the West coast in the United States. These trees thrive in warmer weather but can do well in most temporal locations within the United States. Cypress trees come in all varieties. They can vary in shape, size, or color. Whichever type of Cypress trees you choose for your home, make sure to look up the specific care requirements for the trees to thrive properly. Three main types of cypress trees: Arizona, Leyland, and Bald Cypress trees.

Types of Cypress Trees

Cypress trees come in a variety of shapes depending on which specific cypress tree.Cypress trees can grow as tall as 70 feet and have a canopy shade, similar to an umbrella. Simultaneously, others will resemble a Christmas tree with a cone shape, similar to the Leyland Cypress.  Whereas some species, such as Gowen Cypress, only grows up to 25 feet and has a stout appearance, almost not resembling a tree. 

Cypress Trees For Sale

Depending on what your needs are: for privacy, shade, design, etc., we can help. Just like the variation in cypress trees, their foliage features vary in color and shape. The cypress trees come in shades of dark green to light bluish-green, depending on their species. Similarly, leaves range from fine needles to braid shaped foliage.

Cypress trees are easy to maintain, beautiful to look at, and come in various shades, shapes, and species. Cypress trees are reasonably inexpensive and will last a long time. They are suitable for most homes and will not disappoint.

If you’re looking for a cypress tree for your home, please fill out our Contact Form for more information. We are happy to answer any questions, and to help you with purchasing the right type of cypress tree for your lawn.

  • Contact Us Today! – Purchase Cypress Trees